There is something primal about drumming, instruments first invented in pre-history.  They are both the easiest and hardest of instruments – a two year old child can hold a rhythm, but to be world class takes years (decades even).  And to top it all there is strong evidence that drumming improves both physical and mental well-being!  If you don't believe me check out this link here.

There are lots of different ways of learning to play the drums, on-line tutorials, books, structured courses and ad hoc lessons.  Nearly all have their benefits, but individual teaching by a professional drum tutor is undoubtedly the best option.  Why, well in a word, feedback.

All other forms rely on the student understanding what is being taught and putting it into practice perfectly – a tall order.  A tutor, on the other hand, can see where mistakes are being made and correct them before they become ingrained in muscle memory.  A tutor can also modify lessons to suit the specific needs of the student, especially useful for more advanced players.